The Bustin’ Out Exit Strategy is the final piece of a business or an owners’ career in a business. When it finally comes time for you to retire, you need to have a plan for what that is going to look like. What needs to happen when you want to sell?
It’s a process and it takes time. Many people think that selling a business is like putting a for sale sign in front of your home, but it is so much more than that. There are many moving parts and considerations that have to be made when selling a business.
An exit strategy covers all parts of your business. We recommend that you have this plan put together at least 3-5 years before you are ready to sell.
As your strategic partner, focused on maximizing your business’ value, we can guide you through the process and help you cross all of the t’s and dot all of the i’s.
The Transition Triangle highlights the necessary components between key stakeholders, internal teams, and external influence.
Key Stakeholder(s)
Business Entity
Transition Team
If and when you do decide to sell your business, you also have to think about how to make your business appealing to your buyers. You might need to make some adjustments to reinvigorate the business and make it more valuable.